Insyt Dashboard

This is your control center

Insyt Team

Last Update 3 anni fa

We made Insyt as easy as possible to use. However, if you are struggling, then this is the place to learn more. 

After logging in, you'll see a complete overview of the site(s) you have added to Insyt.

Left Hand Side

1. On the left-hand side you'll see the menu which incluces the Dashboard and lists all the sites you have added.

2. At the bottom left, you'll see the total number of pageviews along with your plan data.

3. Underneath you'll find your account information. (Click account to head to your personal details)

Right Hand Side

1. First your data, along with email address and a big blue button that allows you to add an extra sites.

2. An overview of all the visitors and page views you have had with filtering functionality above that (on the right)

3. Underneath that, you'll find a list of your site(s) with individual statistics info, along with options to visit detailed information, edit details, or delete the property.

The dashboard is plain and simple. Play around and discover. There are not many things that you can do wrong.

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