Our Lingo

Understanding what we mean with our terminology

Insyt Team

Last Update 3 years ago

When you use software, you'll notice that there are terms that describe things, but you may wonder what it means. Well, for the sake of transparency, here is ours:

- A visitor is a unique person who's visited your site.

- A page view is the total amount of times a page is viewed.

A visitor (viewer) is a person unique to your page. A page view is the amount of times certain pages are viewed.

Example: If Joe visited your website and clicked on 3 pages, she's counted as 1 visitor and a viewer of 3 pages. If she pressed refresh on "about", then she's viewed that page twice, but is still 1 visitor who viewed 3 pages.

- Landing pages (Entries) are pages people entered your site on. So each visitor has a single entry page (the page they came in on).

- A referrer is a website that has a link to your website. If a referrer does not provide referral information to Insyt, we unfortunately cannot track it (but you can use UTM tags to get around this if you are the one creating the link).

- Events are anything you want to track that isn’t a normal page load (like a button click on a form).

- A referral is when someone uses your unique URL and signs up for Insyt (earning you commission).

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