Troubleshooting Wordpress

No data is showing up in my Insyt Dashboard

Insyt Team

Last Update منذ ٣ أعوام

If your WordPress site isn't showing new analytics, even after you've installed a plugin or add the code manually, read this;

At times, WordPress can be tricky because as a CMS it has a lot of dynamics to it (plugins, themes, extra code, etc). If after having installed a plugin and you still aren't seeing analytics on your dashboard, it's probably one of the following things:

1. You're using a caching plugin (like WPRocket). Look for a way in that plugin to "exclude" our script from being cached, as our script loads from our servers, not from your local install (that's why our script is so fast).

2. You're using a plugin which is combining our javascript with local scripts. Look for a setting in that plugin to "exclude" our script from being combined with any other javascript, because our script will not work if it's combined with local scripts (since it's not local).

3. You're using a plugin that is minifying our javascript with local scripts. Look for a setting in that plugin to "exclude" our script from being minified with any other javascript, because our script will not work if it's minified locally (since it's not local).

Hopefully after having checked these settings, you start gaining data insights on Insyt :-) 

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